Thursday, May 22, 2014

Fly United. If not for me, do it for DiCaprio.

My United flight from Washington D.C. to Tokyo was nearly 14 hours long. However, it was the best international flight I’ve ever had. Any flight where they serve you free gelato is a great flight.

And the in flight entertainment was particularly choice. I watched Tangled and Frozen, and could have spent hours upon hours with Leonardo DiCaprio thanks to Wolf of Wallstreet and The Great Gatsby amongst others. I felt cultured watching Fish Tank Kings auf Deutsch and Frozen with Arabic subs. Wadjda was offered too. (A fantastic Saudi film I discovered this past semester.) And who could be bored with hours of Friends and Sex and the City episodes to rot my brain to?

The best entertainment though by far was the flight attendants. I had two women in my area of the plane and at the height of my restlessness I joined them in their compartment at the back of the plane. In between their food and drink rounds they had time to join me in conversing about traveling, international work, and all the fun flying drama going on. Tip: treat the flight attendants well and they’ll return the favor. As we were approaching Japan one of the women came to my seat to wish me well with my connection, my coming internship, and actually gave me a set of United wings to celebrate my coming summer plans.

So this is my shout out to United for just generally being awesome. Thanks for helping me start out my trip right.

At the end of my 14 hour flight right after recieving my wings!

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