Usually Tuesdays tend to be rather long and tedious. It's the middle of our school week and generally just full of lectures and homework. This week it was even more ominous because we walked to our 8:30AM class through hot and gloomy weather.
With perfect timing the weather began to pour as our teachers assigned more and more work. One teacher announced there would be a quiz the next day. However, the mood didn't last. As the rain passed so too did the gloomy Tuesday atmosphere and my day became more, well... colorful.
We got blessed with this amazing view out our classroom windows from Mount Scopus a little before classes finished up. It was really cool to see the entire rainbow stretching across the area viewable from our little mountain.
I returned home from school anticipating a long afternoon full of studying, however, this new mood just wouldn't leave. My whole apartment got dragged into our decision to just enjoy the evening and soon books were long forgotten as we got more creative with our night.
Living in an apartment full of art students is really a blast. What better occasion than a Tuesday night to just break out some paint and let loose? I spend all day at university surrounded by foreign language and politics, there's nothing better after that than coming home to a community of artists and friends.
Way more fun than studying.
One of the masterpieces accomplished last night.
Friends who finger paint together stay together.
Compensating with an early morning and a few cups of coffee over vocabulary review was well worth another fun evening in in Jerusalem.
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